TwitterやFacebookなどの他サービスと同様、気に. Note the statement on that screen explaining how the feature works. As a moderator, in addition to flair, stickying, and the content management actions, you have access to many post actions on mobile. 23 更新日: 2018. to turn off 941. 2. to cause (a person, etc) to feel dislike or distaste for (something) this music turns me off. How to Turn Off Stories Archive on Facebook Web Step 1: Open the Stories archive screen using the Facebook web as shown above. 3. something that disgusts you, find embarrassing or unappealing about the opposite sex. 7. To remove the repost means deleting my comment. 12. ”. For Android: Press down on the sleep/wake and volume down buttons simultaneously until your screen flashes. Tap the share icon on the video you reposted. To turn off cross-zone load balancing using the AWS CLI. Type gpedit. to turn one's back. manually turn the power off 手動{しゅどう}で電源{でんげん}を切る; pulse turn-off time pulse turn-off timeパルスターンオフ時間[電情] to turn (a switch) on or off to turn (a switch) on or off捻るひねる; to turn it off as a joke to turn it off as a joke冗談に紛らすじょうだんにまぎらすTo turn push notifications on or off: 1. cross_zone. The princess turned the frog into a prince by kissing him. To do this, go to your profile and click on the three. You can Remix any public video, not just the ones in your Reels. distributeは間接的で他の人々、会社、サー. Remember to turn the tap off once you've finished so you don't waste water. repostは「再投稿」という意味だったんですね。 repost: リブログとは、Tumblrをはじめとするブログやミニブログなどのサービスにおいて、他の記事を引用する形でエントリーを投稿すること、またはそのための機能のことである。 turn offとは. off」の意味・使い方・例文は?. リポスト禁止アイコンは以下の. Next time you close Edge, make sure to do it properly. And retweets by this. " After that, you'll see a confirmation that 1-Click purchasing has been disabled. turn it off. 前置詞「onto」は「上に向かって動いている」コアイメージを持つ英語. 英語の熟語. ago. 方向転換 を行う. However, users are constantly reposting videos and some of the TikTok users are not impressed about it. {こうにゅう きのう}. . Twitter(X)のiOS版アプリがアップデートされ、これまで「ツイート」と呼ばれていた投稿の名称が「Post(ポスト)」、「リツイート」は「Repost. The easiest way to ensure that no one will comment on it is to set the button that says "allow comments" to the off position. 3. If you’re not sure how the reposting feature works on TikTok, it’s pretty straightforward. Step 2. 2016年1月、SoundCloudのウェブサイト上で個人フィード画面に表示されるRepostを隠せる拡張機能がGoogle Chromeにてローンチされた。. 例文. Hit Remove Watermark once the video is successfully loaded. I don't even have the repost option in my privacy settings to turn it off!You can turn off sound on a normal Instagram post or when adding a video to your Instagram story. 2. 英語のイディオム「turn off」には「(スイッチを)消す」「(栓を)閉める」「興味をそぐ」な度といった意味で使われている表現です。 英語のイディオム. Remove or hide video: Hover over the reposted video thumbnail and click on. Click Notifications & Focus. 2. Ensure that you have the latest version installed to access all the available features. 2. Select iCloud from the sidebar and uncheck any apps you don’t want to sync with iCloud. 『No Repost』とアイコンが入っていてもそれを無視してリポストする人も中にはいるかもしれません。. Reason 3:英辞郎 on the WEB Pro / Pro Lite. These steps are the same in both the iPhone and Android apps. を貯蔵する,積み立てる - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。In 2021, TikTok launched its feature of Repost on the platform. numpy, sounddevice, tobii_research libraries, some with typing some without. Then, in place of the ' Repost ' button, they'll instead see 'Remove Repost' button. 4. If you want to turn on the repost button again, simply follow the same steps outlined above, but in the. Find the Reel you want to repost and copy its link. Tap the share icon in the bottom right corner of the screen and tap to "Repost" button. It's the first option below the "Send to" header, below the yellow icon with two curved arrows. Limitorque®. 例文. Solution: Ask your teacher to help you find the test window or maximize the test window again. On a Mac: Open the System Preferences and click Apple ID. Use the Safari browser to visit a YouTube video, and use the Share option to find Copy Link. to leave the road you are travelling on and travel along another one: 2. A pop-up will show you the Post you're about to Repost. His action or opinion makes the girl no longer interested in him, so it’s a “turn off”. フランス語 (フランス) 中国語 (簡体字) 日本語 に関する質問. For iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple Watch, you can also turn off Lost Mode by entering your passcode on the device. Microsoft is adding new text and voice filters to Xbox Live. Tap Settings and privacy. Simply turn off the video soundor click-right to detach the audio and then delete the audio in 1 minute. ”. When this setting is turned off, users can't report messages within Teams, so the corresponding setting in the Microsoft Defender portal is irrelevant. Then turn the toggle off for the Save to Your Archive option. turn off the TV. では語源を見ていきましょう。. 3. Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command. Here is your ultimate guide to OnlyFans tools and features. 提出は英語で turn in, hand inや submit と言います。. プレーヤー再生. 1. 「hit」といえば、「ヒット、打つ、たたく」といった意味が一般的ですが、 その昔は「会う、遭遇する」 という意味があったようです。. If the user has enabled the Remix feature, you’ll see “Remix This Reel. This user can no longer toss trash into your timeline. . (Turn off the light, turn off the light) (明かりを消して、明かりを消して) Who do you need? 誰が必要? (Turn off the light, turn off the light) (明かりを消して、明かりを消して) And I said follow me, follow me, follow me そして私は言った、私についてきて、ついてきて、ついてきて「Hold」の便利な使い方をご存じですか?holdのイディオムを使うと、英語の表現で幅がグッとひろがります。この記事では、holdの意味を確認するとともに、イディオムを紹介します。日常会話にもビジネスにも使える便利な表現をご参考にしてください。repositとは。意味や和訳。[動]他1. This will bring up a menu of options, including the option to delete the video. Here's how to do it. Do not create images or use text prompts that are inherently disrespectful, aggressive, or otherwise abusive. repost 意味, 定義, repost は何か: 1. From the drop-down menu, select the Crosspost option. off」には複数の使い方があるぞ。. Instagram(インスタグラム)における「リポスト」とは、 他のユーザーの投稿を自社アカウントで引用・シェアすること を意味します。. You can open SoundCloud by tapping the icon on your homescreen. 2. Most of the users do not like this message and they mostly search about methods of how they can turn off confirm. Turn off the TVの意味や使い方 テレビを消して。 - 約820万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 Turn off the TV: テレビを止める. turn off {句自動-1} : (電気{でんき}?ガス?水道{すいどう}が)止まる. If you’d rather talk to a human, their customer care number is 1. 評価の高い回答者. 評価減について、 簿価の全額ならwrite-off 、 簿価の一部ならwrite-down という関係です。. to stop someone…. Similarly, when creating an Instagram story, clicking the speaker icon will ensure your video gets shared with no audio. to make sb stop liking sb or…: On iOS tap on the ‘. To turn off notifications in"Classmates" bySMS, go to the"My Settings" section. 「repose」の意味・翻訳・日本語 - 休息、睡眠、休養、静養、(場所などの)平静、閑静、(態度などの)落ち着き、沈着|Weblio英和・和英辞書prohibitは「禁止する、禁じる」の意味で、規則やルールによって規制されているものに対してよく使われます。法律で禁止されているものに対しても使われることもあります。言葉遣いとしてはフォーマルであり、個人的に禁止されているちょっとしたことには用いられません。形容詞は「禁止. 0にバージョンアップさ. Instructions for: For Desktop: Step 1. Select "Settings and privacy. 実際に多く使われるのは、その1のほうだ。. Tap the Menu button at the top. This can be done by undoing the repost. 中には少し意味の雰囲気が違うものもありますが、なんとなく、そこに道すじや軌道のようなものがあり、そこを追いかけていくような雰囲気の. For iOS: Press down on the home and lock buttons simultaneously until your screen flashes. Click the Repost button. また、第二に「誰かが近づいてくる」という意味も持ち合わせています。. You can also add a comment or hashtag to your post if. How to Turn Off and Disable the Windows 11 Firewall. turn off the gas. と (2) 雨の中を何時間も待たせられるなんて. その2もよく使うが. - 研究社 新英和中辞典. If you’re in the app, tap the 3 dots on the right side, then Link to copy it. "repossession order" 中文翻译 : 收楼令. 発音を聞く. 名詞では「手」の意味があるhand(ハンド)ですが動詞で使うとそのまま「手渡す、差し出す」を意味します。またhand in(提出する)やhand over(引き渡す)、hand out(配る)といった意味での使い方もあるため少し混乱する要素かもしれません。ほかにもhand off(引き継ぐ)やhand down(次世代に. BigBlockRacing. Reposting on TikTok is very simple. Text-based filters will be available in four different levels to filter out swearing, harassment, and more. 1. Next time you close Edge, make sure to do it properly. After opening the program, toggle the RGB LED switch to Off, then check Apply All to make sure the lighting on the motherboard is also off. 語源 re+post. Video Watermark Remover Online starts to remove logo from video. 1. Instructions on disabling and enabling are listed below. 意味・対訳 (大きな道路の)わき道、 (高速道路への出入りの)斜道、ランプ、分岐点、興味をなくすもの、い. ( transitive) To power up, to put into operation, to start, to activate ( an appliance, light, mechanism. ( cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch) Turn off the stereo, please ステレオ を 切って ください. - 研究社 新英和中辞典. something that you dislike or that you do not find interesting or sexually exciting: This system may provide a powerful tool. Tap Pending or Activated below Mark As Lost, tap Turn Off Mark As Lost, then tap Turn Off. Start by opening the Reddit website and head to a subreddit page. Important: When you turn off trending searches, it turns off in the Google app on that device. 評価減について、 簿価の全額ならwrite-off 、 簿価の一部ならwrite-down という関係です。. Turning Reposts on or off is not retroactive, meaning that you can't remove Reposts that. Reposting videos on TikTok is a great way to share your favorite content with your audience. を無効. That’s it. cross_zone. 11. In a blog post, Tumblr says it will. Hit Remove Watermark. ’ icon, tap the ‘Share’ option, and then tap ‘Copy Link’. 意味や和訳。. Logistics • Materials Management • Logistics Invoice Verification • GR/IR Account Maintenance • Maintain GR/IR Clearing Account. Weblio専門用語対訳辞書はプログラムで機械的に意味や英語表現を生成しているため、不適切な項目が含まれていることもあります。ご了承くださいませ。Remixing is also available to all Instagram’s 2 million creators around the world, unless you change your content remix settings. ’ icon, tap the ‘Share’ option, and then tap ‘Copy Link’. However, the procedure is nearly identical if you ever want to “unrepost” a article. turn off: [verb] to stop the flow of or shut off by or as if by turning a control. Click the box next to quality filter to turn on or off. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesDeleting Reposts. 私も利用している一人ですが先日こんな内容を拝見しました. If you cannot see the "Settings" tab, select the dropdown menu, then click Settings. 激しい 嫌悪 か 嫌悪 を 感じさせる. Then, tap on the "Remove Repost" button. )の意味です。一方、「Turn-off」(n. Send an email; Unsend emails with Undo Send; Address emails; Format text in emails; Add attachments to emails; Mark up email attachments; Create and use email signatures; Reply to, forward, or follow up on emails; Use Remind Me to come back to. Mickeys-recovery. リンクをコピーすると、Repost for Instagramのアプリ内に投稿内容が記録されます。 手順③投稿の編集を行う. 3、进入微博首页之后,在顶栏找到齿轮状. turn off. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site. Then, you will see a notification about reposting. • Suggest. Step 1 – Start by signing in to your Twitter account. My cat is on the roof. Tap Security. (1) 〈…を〉 内側に 曲げる [ 折る ], 内側 へ たたみ 込む. 電気を消しなさい。. Then, open Instagram and scroll to the post you want to share. " Tap on "Notifications. To change it, tap the text and you’ll see a new menu appear. Select Undo before the post Undo period expires. the Earth turns ; turn on the spot. / Don’t repost. Alternatively, you can also press the Escape key without necessarily closing the browser. 関連用語. More than 1 million Limitorque actuators have been installed. Turn off the apps you don’t want to sync with iCloud. ネイティブはとてもよく使うフレーズです。. In turn, you can count on more cross-promotion on social media, which helps grow your audience! Discover why you need to credit, how to credit a photo, what a proper credit looks like, crediting style, benefits of crediting, and why it’s detrimental to artists and vendors when you don’t credit a photo. リポスト(repost)とは。意味や使い方、類語をわかりやすく解説。[名](スル)インターネットで、過去に投稿した文章や画像などを、再度投稿すること。再投稿。→ポスト5 →投稿2 - goo国語辞書は30万9千件語以上を収録。 turn off an epigram 例文帳に追加. Be kind and respect each other and staff. This will ensure that only you can see the videos you’ve liked, including any reposts. to put one of your previous posts (= messages, pictures, etc. To disable Screen Time, open your Settings app and tap the "Screen Time" category. enabled attribute to false. : じゃ行くね。. タップすると、インスタグラムのアプリが開きます。. あなたは降りる必要があります ここでそれをオフにします。. Go to your client’s profile and select a video you’d like to repost. 解説:形容詞を強調して修飾する"absolutely"。. That's it! To react to a post or comment: Go to the post or comment you want to react to. 3. To keep the platform welcoming to the broadest number of users, do not create disrespectful, aggressive, or abusive images. 方向転換 を行う. So, you want to know how to turn off repost on TikTok? Well, you’ve come to the right place! As an avid TikTok user myself, I understand the frustration of having your videos reposted without your permission. How do I repost deleted stories on Instagram? Instagram stories are automatically deleted and cannot be reposted after 24 hours unless they are archived. 答えは…. Tap the Share arrow on the bottom-right of your screen to bring up the "Send To " pop-up menu. ここから、「turn. ボクシングをしている選手の着ている服に「repost」と記載されていることがあったのは、このためだったのです。 意味を間違えると大変なことに 何気なく使う言葉になってきている「リポスト」という言葉ですが、その言葉にもきちんとした意味が存在し. You can also add a comment or hashtag to your post if. A menu will slide up from the bottom of your screen. turn on ( 三人称単数 現在 形 turns on, 現在分詞 turning on, 過去形 および 過去分詞 形 turned on ) ( transitive) To set a flow of fluid or gas running by rotating a tap or valve. 軽く混ぜ、バターが溶けたら 火を消します 。. Turn off ebay auto relisting. 2. off 【副】 離れて、それて、外れて・I'll be off. Turning Reposts on or off is not retroactive, meaning that you can't remove Reposts that. 1. Find a photo on Instagram you'd like to repost, and take a screenshot with your phone. . Tap Share (the right-arrow) on the right side. Step 3 – Now click the three-dotted icon on their profile. Learn How To Turn Off Repost On Tiktok Consider subscribing if this helped you out: / @digitalunraveled Learn To Drive Massive Views & Profit On TikTok ️ ️. 明かりや火を「消す」という英熟語は3つ [ put out, turn out, turn off ] もあります。. もちろん100%防げるというわけではありません。. 2、在登录页面键入账号和密码之后,点击登录。. • 4 mo. 意味: 好きでない、興味を失う、がっくりくる, (性的な意味で)萎えさせる turn off 例文:1. You can only delete reposted videos using the TikTok app. Can I still use other users’ sounds or effects if I turn off repost? Yes, disabling repost does not affect your ability to use other users’ sounds or effects in your videos. Step 2: Select the arrow icon that points to the left in the bottom left. To now remove your repost of the video, tap the video so it begins to play. Tap the “Profile” option at the top of the menu. 〔電気{でんき}・ガス・水道{すいどう}が〕止まる. 例文. off」の意味は? 意味その1 「止める、消す」 意味その2「興味を失わせる」 熟語「turn. {いんさつ ちゅう}. 5年間、1日30分の学習を継続して、TOEICスコアが780→910点になりました! To become deactivated; to become powered down. The close friends feature isn’t a permanent list. please turn off. 〔会社・学校などを〕休んで. 1 他…のせんを閉じる,…のスイッチを止める,…を消す(switch off)(⇔turn on)turn off the tap蛇口を閉じる2 自自+〔受身形不可〕〈道が. They have taken to Twitter and other platforms to find out how to turn off reposts on the video-sharing app. Lock comments. If you want to turn off trending. Well, they can, but they have to actually type that trash out. To turn off repost, select “Friends” or “Off” depending on your preference. In the “Who can see videos I’ve liked” section, you’ll see a few different options. , SEO, marketing, etc) Go to the Matching terms report. If you're on an iPhone, you. "repossi" 中文翻译 : 雷波西. 無効にする. ago. Tap the gold Remove Repost option in the top-left corner of the menu. And hit Enter. Save changes: After selecting your desired option, tap on the checkmark or save button to save the changes. July 12, 2023. turn it off. 激しい 嫌悪 か 嫌悪 を 感じさせる. : 《取説》印刷中. hit it offの語源は?. prohibitedとは 意味・読み方・使い方. Tap Profile at the bottom of the screen. 以前に投稿されたものを再び投稿すること。再投稿。 参考:英和辞典weblio-repostの. ・Never turn the printer off while printing. 電源を入れたり消したりする意味のフレーズで「turn on」「turn off」がありますが、実はスイッチだけではないんです。ワクワクしたり、反対に興味を失う物事に使われるスラング。動詞の他にタイトルのように名詞にして使うこともできます。how to turn off repost on tiktok,how to remove the repost button on tiktok,how to disable repost on tiktokThe'Notifications for' toggle to turn on/off the notifications for the chat messages from a specific Friend. Now, you can filter messages by polls, just like you can for photos, videos or links. 可能大家会因为各种各样的原因,需要升级conda,然后惊讶的发现conda没法升级,conda update conda之后会提示出错 an unexpected error. It appears near the top of the list, just under "Do Not Disturb. Retweets from that account won't show up. 1分で覚える英語フレーズ. 解禁する. Open TikTok app on your phone and find the video you want to share with the repost button. Select the notifications you'd like to receive. {ね}. It looks like a storefront inside a circle. 「off to」はカジュアルな口語表現としてネイティブが日常的に使う表現です。. 「turn over」とは、「ひっくり返る(返す)」という意味の英語表現です。ここから派生してさまざまな慣用的意味を持ちますので、この機会にぜひ覚えておきましょう。今回は「turn over」の意味や使い方を、いくつかの例文とともにご紹介します。On the left, in the menu, click Reviews. Here's how to do it. It's the curved arrow pointing right on the right side of the screen. ( to put something ( eg trust) in something) The nation. The act or result of overturning something; an upset . turn off the gas at the main cock. Open the TikTok app on your phone, go to the For You page and find a video you would like to share. Since 1929, Limitorque actuators have been making flow control easier among a broad range of applications. 公式アプリのiOS版が7月31日に10. 英検®︎対応!英検対策に役立つ英和・和英辞書 こんにちは、はるです。今回はTOEIC英熟語「turn off」の意味・語源・覚え方について説明します このアプリで1. ] Turn on the tap. 07. To now remove your repost of the video, tap the video so it begins to play. 動詞. は 日本語 で何と言いますか?. The actors turned in a formulaic performance. Active Status shows your friends and connections when you're active or recently active on Facebook or Messenger. 4. 2. When managing your credit freeze from a given bureau, you will create credentials you must use when requesting the freeze's removal or temporary lift. turn off an epigram 例文帳に追加. On the app, go to the post that you would like to repost. OnlyFans gives creators the freedom to create and monetize content while connecting with their fans. From the menu, select New > Key. , distributing, hosting, storing, transmitting, reformatting, etc. To start to do or to use something in an attempt to deal with a difficult and unpleasant situation. 「turn out」の意味・翻訳・日本語 - (…を) (外へ)追い出す、解雇する、外に出す、外へ向ける、 (よい)服装をさせる、盛装させる、盛装する、 (…の)中身をあける、出す、ひっくり返す|Weblio英和. The steps to turn off password protected sharing in Windows 11/10 computers are as follows: key to open the Control Panel window. You can also turn on the age restriction if you previously kept the age protection off on TikTok. The process is absolutely painless, right? To avoid accidentally tapping on the Repost button, you can disable it from the settings. 和訳:【消す】. 無効にする. to turn off the mode. repost 意味, 定義, repost は何か: 1. Tumblr users who don’t want a specific post to be reblogged by others will now have the option to turn off the reblog setting. " And TikTok will immediately un-repost your selected video. Use the X button or press Alt + F4 to close the browser before you log off. A pop-up lets you confirm whether you want to remove the content. 「彼の無礼さにはドンびいた。. g. ( cause to feel intense dislike or distaste) 3. The only option is to ask for the original story and post it to yourself without sound, or get the video and. Reason 2: The test window was moved or minimized. This is the default setting that leaves everything the way it’s always been. 1) Swipe down from the top-right corner of the display. Check the top-left corner for your profile picture and click on it. 5. On (turn off in application) オン (アプリケー. 人 または 物 での 何かを 置く または 委託する. してしまったことは元には戻らない, 「覆水 (ふくすい)盆に返らず」 《★Shakespeare 「マクベス」から》. to leave the road you are travelling on and travel along another one: 2. Turn off the goddamn sprinklers! Turn off the heat just before boiling let the bonito flakes sink for a while. So if the spam message originates from outside the iMessage network there will never be a "Report Junk" tag there. To direct one's attention or efforts toward something. Turn off Personal results. On the LIVE screen, tap the Settings button. Step 1: Open the TikTok app and find the video you reposted. Add “RT @” as the phrase. The Local Group Policy Editor is only available in the Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions. 4. On the Chats screen, press. to dismiss from employment. 「turn off」とは・「turn off」の意味 turn offは基本的に 他動詞句として機能することが多く、「詮を閉める」「スイッチを切る」「(脇道や他の道へ)逸れる」「(質問や話を)逸らす」などの意味で用いられる。 Step 1 – Start by signing in to your Twitter account. It allows to share a video on the platform. 15. では、会計の分野で write-down は、どういう意味でしょうか?. On the subreddit page, open the post you wish to crosspost. 2. When I went to the privacy menu, no repost icon appears in the. 6. 英語のイディオム「turn off」は機械や電機などを作動を終了させるときの「(電源やスイッチを)消す」、ガスや水道などの「(栓を)閉める」、音楽や映画または人物などが「(人の)興味をそぐ」といった意味で使われています。 To become deactivated; to become powered down. Move the vehicle to a safe location to avoid blocking traffic, and turn off the engine. 【英語】1分でわかる!. " Once all of these steps are completed, your phone number will no longer be associated with iMessage. 宿題を提出する. If you’re browsing Instagram on the web, it’s as simple as copying the web address. turn the heat off 軽減{けいげん}する、プレッシャーを軽くする. Scroll down and find the option “Allow Others To Reshare”. スイッチ をはずす ことによって 動く のを 止めさせる. turn off (something) 意味, 定義, turn off (something) は何か: 1. While asleep, your PC's screen will turn off as well. 07. Locate the reposted video: Scroll through your uploaded videos until you find the one that you want to un-repost. 激しい 嫌悪 か 嫌悪 を 感じさせる. インスタグラムなどSNSの機能の多様化によって、「share」だと「引用投稿」「再投稿」のような意味合いで使うことがネイティブの若者に多いです。. To turn off cross-zone load balancing using the AWS CLI. The slope represents the rate at which the team needs to burn down work to finish the sprint on time. put out の主な意味は「(火や明かりを)消す」ですが、英語ネイティブは「外に置く」「生み出す」「狂わせる」などの意味でも使います。今回はそんな put out の使い方とコアイメージをわかりやすいイラストと例文で解説します。Step 2: Delete Your TikTok Video Repost. Twitter(X)のiOS版アプリがアップデートされ、これまで「ツイート」と呼ばれていた投稿の名称が「Post(ポスト)」、「リツイート」は「Repost. The repost feature on TikTok allows you to re-share a video uploaded by a different user. この意味の「share」は「repost(リポスト)」ともいいます。. 1. This is the first option in the menu, above. Scroll down to the "Danger Zone" section and click Delete this repository. Select shutdown in the drop-down menu (usually selected by default), then click "OK" or hit Enter. If you choose not to, the data remains available. Some creators will download videos, layer edits or voiceovers overtop, or splice them into their videos, and repost them as original content. To turn on 2-step verification: 1. 解禁する. , =riposte. enabled,Value=false. 4. turn onとは。意味や和訳。1 他…のスイッチを入れる,…をつける;自つく(switch on)(⇔turn off,turn out)turn the lights on明かりをつける1a 他((略式))〈人を〉(性的に)興奮させる;〈人を〉(…に)興味をかきたてる≪to≫(⇔turn off)2 自+〔受身形不可〕((英))〈要因に〉よる,よって決まる. " And TikTok will immediately un-repost your selected video. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use the Remix feature from your account. Alternatively, you can also press the Escape key without necessarily closing the browser. Turning Off Your Screen . ( dated) An apprentice, in any trade, who is handed over from one master to another to complete his time.